My friend Barbara Wakefield and I decided to hit the road and spend a few days in NYC. We had an amazing time, although snow caused our 11 hour drive to becomes a 16 hour drive. We hit openings for: Josh Faught at
Lisa Cooley, Virgil Marti at
Elizabeth Dee, Marc Dion at
Tanya Bonakdar and got to see a lot of amazing work throughout the city. Barb and I were also lucky enough to catch my roommate Oli Rodriguez in a performance organized by Sharon Hayes at X-Initiative (formerly part of DIA). The pieces incorporated a reading of Anna RĂ¼ling’s
What interest does the women’s movement have in the homosexual question?

Barbara at Marc Dion's opening.

Oli at the X-Iniative

Work by Josh Faught at Lisa Cooley.

David William and I at Virgil Marti's opening.
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